Monday, 3 October 2011

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions

Written & brought to you by
Ken Crause – Business Transformation Coach.

For the last several weeks I have been writing numerous ideas and techniques you can employ to make radical changes to your life and business. Some of you have been so thoughtful as to send me emails thanking me for these messages and I appreciate the feedback.

However, in this article I want to get down to business, by asking you some pointed questions.

1.     Have you learned anything new from these articles?
2.     Have you been reminded of things you used to do but have somehow stopped doing – but should do again?
3.     Have you actually started action on any of the suggestions?

As humans we have an insatiable desire to learn new things. We are constantly in pursuit of new ideas and techniques – yet we are always anxious to move on the next great idea and never put into practice one thing we already learned. This is a great deception because you think you know something but actually you know nothing. Head knowledge is useless and deceptive.

Knowledge “puffs up” and makes one proud, but doers really know and understand. Those who have head knowledge without “doing knowledge” or experience, and think they know it all are simply deceiving themselves. If you are learning valuable things and practicing none of it you are fooling yourself.


We all have good intentions, but intentions are useless unless acted on. When my son was a boy, he one day told me how he had this great gift he wanted to buy me for my birthday, if he had the money. It was a great idea, but he obviously could not afford it. So, he did nothing. My daughter on the other hand had a couple of dollars of her pocket money. So she bought me a chocolate bar and made me a homemade birthday card telling me how much she loved me and wished me a very happy birthday.

Which of these children did the right thing? A small action is ALWAYS better than the best of intentions. Many people go to their graves with their heads and hearts full of “I should have, would have, could have”. But time has flown by and now it’s too late. Will you be one of those people? Do you want to be one of those people?

I would like to end this article and this week’s blog with this thought. Why don’t you take this coming weekend and look over the blogs I have posted over the last several weeks. Select one that would be most helpful to you and that you are prepared to take action on. And then – start doing it from Monday onward.

If you will get past your excuses, busyness or laziness; if you will decide to make a difference; then you will be a doer instead of a hearer only. You will learn and grow and you will succeed beyond anything you have experienced to date.

Ken Crause – Business Transformation Coach

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